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Stamped Shrinky Dinks Pins & Keychains

Who says Shrinky Dinks are just for kids? Paul and Kaitlyn bring on the nostalgia with this old school craft and make stylish one-of-a-kind pins & keychains!





- ♪ Make the fun shine! ♪ [Both] Shrinky Dinks! ♪ Coloring a Shrinky Dink ♪ ♪ Cut out a Shrinky Dink ♪ ♪ Then mom bakes it and right before your eyes ♪ ♪ Your Shrinky Dink shrinks right down to size ♪

- Like magic! Fabulous!

- Fantastic!

- ♪ Then it's up to you what your Shrinky Dinks do ♪

- Shrinky Dinks collector sets, you can collect them all.

- ♪ Shrinky Dinks make the fun shine! ♪

- That's right Shrinky Dinks, were going to make pins and key chains.

- That's it? Okay, Supplies.

- ♪ Make the fun shine! ♪ [Both] Shrinky Dinks!

- So this particular kind is called rough and ready.

- This side you could do paint or ink, which we're gonna to get to. And this side is nice and rough so you can do like colored pencils, things that wouldn't stick to the smooth side. But since this is a stamping show obvi we gotta use [Both] Stamps! You don't say it like that,

- Okay, stamps.

- I have "Oh the places you'll go" stamp. And then because we're gonna be stamping on the smooth side, we're going to need some permanent ink. And I got this StazOn black ink from you know, your local crafts store. Oh! Okay.

- Remember it stays on. That actually smells really good.

- Doesn't it?

- Like suspiciously good cause you know, whatever it's made out of, it's gotta be terrible for you.

- Its probably not great. So I'm stamping on the shiny side and you don't want to move it around cause it's obviously slippery, so just.

- Think of a large stamp as a boat. Don't rock the boat, don't rock the stamp.

- Try not to like rock it. And we're planted. Oh. Oh.

- We've got this. And we're going to let this dry, it dries pretty quick cause it's, you know, quick drying ink it's permanent, but we're gonna flip it over and I don't want to get any ink on our surface. So I'm just gonna let it dry for a couple minutes.

- Dloop!

- Vrrrp! and we're back. It's not even shrink'd yet.

- Paul we're getting there. Paul.

- That is the voice of the youngest child in the family. Mom.

- Mom I'm hungry.

- Its not fair.

- These Shrinky Dinks aren't small.

- They're not shrinking enough.

- Next step, we have same paint markers. These are called painters. Just gotta shake it up. Just be careful they kind of like

- Ooze.

- Juice out a little bit. So just don't be like flinging it around.

- So just color it in.

- On, that's right the stamp is on the other side.

- Yeah, so we flip it over and we're painting on the rough side now, flip it over.

- This is what keeps Kaitlyn up at night.

- Shrinky Dinks.

- I can't get the Shrinky Dinks figured out, Oh wait just flip it over. My youngest child voice.

- Alright now you color the other balloon. People are gonna turn this one off so quick. Let me pull myself together here. It's so beautiful. Okay, I haven't really tried crayons, but I'm guessing they don't work cause it's wax.

- They do not. I read the Shrinky Dink manual that came with the paper and you can not use crayons.

- Okay, nerd. Here's what it looks like pretty schnazzy.

- So that's the front of it?

- This is the front where we stamped and this is the back. So you're gonna let this dry, it dries pretty quick.

- So we let the paint dry, and now we cut.

- Cuttin' and you do not have to throw away the extra trimmings. You can make more with it.

- Yeah. I'm thinking let's make this a pin. But, if we were to make a key chain, this is where you would need to make the hole. So you get a little hole puncher, you can go up on top and go puchich! We are ready to bake. Let's do this.

- Alright, so we got a good ol' toaster oven here brand spanking new. So you wanna get up to 325° Fahrenheit. For all of our international watchers you'll have to do your own math on that.

- And then we have the tray that goes inside, lined with tin foil. This is actually our acrylic name blocks, but you know what? These are so versatile that you can use this to flatten your Shrinky Dink, once it comes out of the oven. Otherwise, if you don't flatten it, it gets a little shrivelly and wait.

- Still preheating we get a little paranoid too cause there's a building sprinkler right above and we're preheated.

- Okay.

- It's gonna get real curled up and you're gonna be like, Oh, what happened? I did it wrong. And then it'll flatten as it heats more and more.

- Correct.

- Alright on your mark, get set, shrink! And now we watch.

- ♪ Make the fun shine! ♪

- Shrinky We were supposed to say it.

- ♪ Make the fun shine! ♪ [Both] Shrinky Dinks!

- Whoa!

- Here it goes, see.

- Never doubt the Shrinky Dinks.

- You gotta have faith. ♪ You gotta have faith ♪ Take it out scoop her off.

- You wanna do that over here?

- Wait.

- Flatten.

- Wow.

- And there you go.

- She'll be hot so don't

- Shrinky Dinky

- Don't Don't touch it, it's gonna really hot.

- The bottom's not.

- Why would you keep holding it?

- I'm kidding.

- Turned out pretty dang good you know you think that you ruined it cause it's all shriveled up and then bloop, it goes back.

- It's the dinking part. The dink.

- This is Modge Podge.

- Mod Podge, this kind is dimensional magic, and it just adds a little shine, a little dimension if you will. Just squeeze it all over. You don't want to make bubbles. You'll know it's dry when it's clear.

- Three hours.

- And now we will sit here and watch it dry.

- False, we prepared and had one already done.

- Come on guys.

- The secret's out.

- You know us better than that.

- C'mon you've seen cooking shows.

- Here's one that is clear, look at that! You can't even tell.

- Look at the Podge.

- Look at that Podge, it's just really shining.

- Uh. Okay so we're going to make this a pin. So we're gonna flip that over. I got these jewelry pins at the craft store and also you know, if you made your key chain, get some little split rings, little key rings. Take that part off, take the back and I have some super glue.

- Oh.

- Meh. Oh no, help.

- Help.

- I don't know if I screwed it up.

- Did you glue the cap to the super glue bottle.

- I don't know what happened, oh, I hurt my... You're gonna glue the back.

- And there you go. Got your little pin, got your little backer.

- ♪ Make the fun shine! ♪ [Both] Shrinky Dinks!

- Well, there we go. No, not yet. That is how you shrinks dinks.

- Your dinks.

- Just sounds wrong.

- shrink your dinks. Thanks for joining us for this [Both] Shrinky Dinks! episode. Maybe you'll give it a shot yourself.

- Yeah see what you can shrink.

- Yep, yeah, shrink some dinks of your own and send us a pic of your shrunken dink.

- Your we bitty dinks! We'll see you next time on [Both] Fake It Till You Make It!

- Mmm. You're gonna bite into already you're gonna scald your mouth. Boiling hot lava inside.

- Eat the edge. Then you let it steam out.

- Mmhm.

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