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6 Teacher Must Haves for Back to School

Back-to-school season is here and whether you can't wait to get back in the classroom or you're dreading the end of summer, it's coming either way, and we want to make sure you're prepared!

Here is our little back-to-school checklist of teacher "must haves" to help make sure you have everything you need to start the new school year off right!

1. Fun Pens!

Who doesn't love a good fun pen? Nicki from @thesprinkletoppedteacher says this is an absolute must have for the new school year!

Nicki recommends the Frixion Clicker Erasable Gel Pens (pictured below)!

2. Books! Books! Books!

This one might be a little obivious but you certainly don't to forget it! If you were to ask Tori Pattison from @engagingandeducating, "what is a necessity for back-to-school?" it would have to be the books!

3. Stamps

Stamps are an incredibly useful tool for teachers, but don't just take our word for it! We asked Steph from @the.crafty.teacher what her teacher "must have" was for back to school, and she said, "stamps, so I don't have to write the same thing 30+ times".

Check out our teacher stamps for yourself and prepare yourself for an amazing school year!

4. Lamination Sheets

Don't forget the the lamination sheets! To Kimberly from @misskimmyskreations, laminations sheets are a must have for the start of the school year!

5. Colored Paper

Before the school year starts, make sure you have the basics! According to Sarah from @mrbteachesme Colored paper and your other standard supplies are a must have!

If you're crafting or doing art projects of any kind this year, colored paper is a MUST!


This one goes without saying doesn't it? Let's be honest... the first days back would be impossible without that cup of coffee!

Nothing wrong with needing a little boost!

Make sure you're ready with these 6 must haves to guarantee a successful start to the new year! For more teacher content, check out our Instagram and give those teacher accounts we just mentioned a follow!



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