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Repurpose Art with Art by Zaleski

Repurpose Art With Art by Zaleski

Transforming used materials into beautiful art can be daunting, but Zaleski makes it look like a breeze! With their innovative approach, Art by Zaleski repurposes used materials to create stunning masterpieces in painting, ceramics, and textile/crochet. We're thrilled to chat with Zaleski and learn more about Art by Zaleski and how our rubber stamps are helping this small business thrive!

Can you tell us about your business?

I've been creating for years, which started with drawing and paper sculptrues when I was around 7 or 8 years old. I've taken to using more mediums to create with, including painting, ceramics, and textile/crochet work (which my grandma taught me when I was very young).

Art has always been fun for me, even when speaking on heavy topics. It is my mediation and passion. My focus within my creative practice has shifted in the last couple years to place more of an emphasis on sustainable art-making practices. With that, I use only second-hand and/or repurposed materials as much as possible, and frequently grab objects and panels off the street.

What inspired you to start your business?

I have wanted to be a working artists for years, and about seven years ago I realized that I had to take up that challenge for myself.o one could or would make it happen for me. Art by Zaleski is a labor of love that I pour my entire self into, and both supporters and customers frequently express that the love and vulnerability is palpable. That means the world to me.

Where do you get the inspiration for your designs?

My art is largely drawn from internal dialogues, some that I've been meditating on for years. I am continuing to push that vulnerability, not only for my own sake but because I know that most of the conersations and questions I carry are also had by others. I place significant value in that honesty, and because of taht, art often pushes me to be more honest with myself than I would be otherwise.

Why did you decide to use a rubber stamp, as compared to another branding option?

I loved that I could eate a custom stamp so easily! My current design is simple - just texutual information. But I'm exited to get more stamps with some of my contour drawings so that I can have a few logos. Beyond that, the Rubber Stamps community is fun, creative, and welcoming!

How have your stamps helped you with Art by Zaleski?

They have helped me to maintain my eco-conscious focus as I grow in my work! I ordered the stamps so that I could avoid purchasing business cards and create custom plastic-free packaging. ow I stamp scrap papers and old doodle sheets for business cards, and have created labeled packages to be sold in vending machines using ink from my local Reuse Center. I'm so excited to order even more stamps soon!

Where can customers find you?



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